Andrew Gentles

Assistant Professor
Home Programs: Biomedical Informatics, Cancer Biology, Immunology, Neurosciences
Categories: Cancer Biology, Computational Biology, Human Disease, Immunology
Career Stage of Trainees: Post-master's, Predoctorate, Postdoctorate
Available now
Diversity Supplement: National Institutes of Health
Eligible Grant: R01
Associated Institute: NCI
We use computational methods to analyze and integrate large genomic and proteomic dataset (such as RNAseq, whole exome, scRNA-seq, CODEX, spatial transcriptomics, MIBI) in human disease. Most of the work is focused on cancer, but with some projects in neurodegenerative diseases. While the work is across diseases, we have particular interests in leukemia, lung, ovarian and pancreatic cancers; as well as Alzheimer disease.