Building Your Funding Train

As a graduate student, you’re training for your next career stage whether it is in academia, industry, science communication, consulting, etc. Writing a proposal is an important component of that training because:

  • Writing rigorously clarifies and deepens your thinking,
  • Articulating research priorities increases productivity and impact,
  • Developing and communicating ideas is critical in all career paths,
  • Eliciting and providing feedback strengthens mentoring relationships,
  • Reviewing feedback improves your writing, and
  • Securing funding is an accomplishment and has positive career benefits.

This website, although a little whimsical, is designed to put you on track to identifying potential funding opportunities. We have divided the funding opportunities to reflect the different stations you will go through during your graduate career. As the engineer, you are the driver of your “funding train” but you have a support crew too – your mentors and advisors! The Biosciences Grant Writing Academy’s comprehensive trainings and resources will keep you fueled during the journey with knowledge and skills needed to write a persuasive and innovative proposal. And remember, like the Little Engine That Could a mantra of optimism and determination can take you anywhere (“I think I can, I think I can…”)!

Early Predoc

Cartoon train car

At this stage in your career, you are exploring research labs and developing skills that will serve as the foundation of your scientific career . These funding opportunities are relevant when you have decided to come to Stanford or you just arrived.

National Science Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident

Ford Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident or DACA

Department of Defense

Broad disciplines in Engineering and Physical Sciences, including Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or US dual citizens

Computation Science Graduate Fellowship (DOE CSGF)

Fields using high-performance computing to solve science & engineering problems, includes Chemistry and Life Sciences

Paul & Daisy Soros

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: Birth parents must have both been born outside of the US as non-US citizens, and both parents must not have been eligible for US citizenship at the time of their births

American Association of University Women

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote women

Citizenship: NOT US citizen or permanent resident

National Institutes of Health

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

Boehringer Inglheim Fonds

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: European citizen

Stanford University

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Stanford University

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Stanford University

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Middle Predoc

Cartoon train car

At this stage in your career, you are embarking on your independent research and building your scientific community. These funding opportunities are relevant when you have passed your quals and are completing your dissertation research.

National Institutes of Health

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident

National Institutes of Health

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident

National Institutes of Health

Sustance Use, Aging, Mental Health, Health Services

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident

National Institutes of Health

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident or DACA

Stanford University

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Stanford University

Most Interdisciplinary Biosciences Disciplines

American Heart Association

Most Biosciences Disciplines

American Heart Association


Aims to promote diversity

Embassy of France in the U.S.

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: Not french citizens

Graduate Women in Science

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote women

PhRMA Foundation

Health outcomes research

PhRMA Foundation

Drug delivery research

PhRMA Foundation

Drug discovery research

Department of Energy

Biological (non-medical)

Citizenship: US citizen or a permanent resident

American Heart Association


Aims to promote diversity

Stanford University

Most Interdisciplinary Biosciences Disciplines

Stanford University

Most Biosciecnes Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

Stanford University

Most Biosciecnes Disciplines

Stanford University

Most Biosciecnes Disciplines

Hertz Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of California (TRDRP)

Elimination of smoking and the use of tobacco products and mitigates the human and economic costs of tobacco product use in California

Late Predoc

Cartoon train car

At this stage in your career, you are becoming an expert in your field and demonstrating expertise with publications and writing your thesis. These funding opportunities are relevant when you finishing your PhD training within a year or two.

National Institutes of Health

Neurosciences; genomics; dental, oral and craniofacial

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident

American Association of University Women

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote women

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

Ford Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident or DACA

Early Postdoc

Cartoon train car

At this stage in your career, you are further developing your research independence, including  honing technical skills and research interests. These funding opportunities are relevant when you have identified a postdoc mentor or are a new postdoc.

Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF)

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US or Canada citizen

Jane Coffin Childs Memorial Fund for Medical Research

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Life Sciences Research Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Helen Hay Whitney Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen

National Institutes of Health

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

500 Women Scientists

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

National Institutes of Health

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

American Heart Association (AHA)


Cancer Research Institute (CRI)

Cancer research

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen

Ford Foundation

Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident or DACA

L'Oreal Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote women

Citizenship: US citizen or US national or permanent resident

Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

A.P. Giannini Family Foundation

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen or permanent resident

Tobacco-Related Disease Research Program of California (TRDRP)

Elimination of smoking and the use of tobacco products and mitigates the human and economic costs of tobacco product use in California

National Academies of Sciences

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Citizenship: US citizen

Travel Awards

Cartoon train car

Travel awards provide funds to travel to a conference or course and are relevant to most stages of your PhD training.

American Society for Cell Biology

Cell Biology

Aims to promote diversity

Journal of Cell Science

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Society for Advancement of Chicanos / Hispanics & Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS)

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US Citizen or Permanet Resident

Stanford University

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Gordon Research Conference

Most Biosciences Disciplines

Aims to promote diversity

Citizenship: US Citizen or Permanet Resident

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)


Citizenship: US or Canadian citizenship status (or permanent resident status)

Crossing guard

Create your funding list: