RD Community @ Stanford
Stanford University Research Development Community
We are a campus-wide community of practice that supports Stanford University’s research development professionals and builds the research capacity of our faculty.
Research Development encompasses a set of strategic, proactive, catalytic, and capacity-building activities designed to facilitate individual faculty members, teams of researchers, and central research administrations in attracting extramural research funding, creating relationships, and developing and implementing strategies that increase institutional competitiveness.
Research Development professionals initiate and nurture critical partnerships and alliances throughout the institutional research enterprise and between institutions—and with their external stakeholders. With the goal of enabling competitive individual and team research and facilitating research excellence, Research Development professionals build and implement strategic services and collaborative resources that span across disciplinary and administrative barriers within their organizations and beyond.
Research Development includes a broad spectrum of activities that vary by institution, including: funding opportunity identification and targeted dissemination; grant/contract proposal development; research team building; interaction with funding agencies and institutional research administration and leadership; interaction with institutional federal relations; and outreach activities and training.
-Adapted from https://www.nordp.org