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Grant Writing Academy Centering joy and belonging in grant writing and beyond

Career Panel – Research Development Profession

Categories: Graduate Students, Postdocs

Ever wonder what is research development (RD) and how your training has prepared you to enter this dynamic and growing profession? Looking to use your “academic” and other skill sets in new and exciting ways to enable innovative research at Stanford and beyond?

Join a Panel Discussion with Research Development Professionals! 

August 24, 2021 11 AM – noon

Register Here.

What is Research Development? 

Research Development activities can include Strategic Research Advancement; Communication of Research and Research Opportunities; Enhancement of Collaborative/Team Science; and Proposal Support Functions. Learn More.

Stanford has a community of practice for Research Development called RD Community @ Stanford. Learn More.

Unable to attend but want to learn more about the research development profession, email Crystal (

Examples of Research Development opportunities at Stanford:

Research Development Specialist (proposal development, strategy, grant writing, editing, and training)

Research Development Specialist (proposal development, strategy, grant writing, editing, and training)

Assistant Director, Grant Writing Academy

Research Development Specialist

Director of Scientific Research

Strategy & Research Development Professional

Meet the Panelists:

Justin Crest, PhD – Research Development Strategist / Grant Writer in Department of Pediatrics at Stanford University – Justin is an experienced research scientist who has a passion for collaborative team science. He has recieved support from NIH, W.M. Keck, and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation for his multidisceplenary projects. At Stanford, he facilitates faculty and trainees to strategically position their grants and research goals in order to maximize funding success, while also encouraging new collaborative research within Pediatrics and campus-wide.


Jon-Michael Knapp, PhD -President & Chief Grant Strategist at Luminint Consulting ( – Jon-Michael received his PhD from Stanford and completed a traditional post-doc at HHMI’s Janelia Research Campus. Realizing that his broad technical background, affinity for the start-up community, and his long-standing interest in improving scientific communication were a natural fit in the RD space, he began working as an SBIR consultant in North Carolina.  Since returning to the Bay Area, he has opened his own shop and works with diverse clients ranging from medical device developers to structural biologists to computational neuroscientists


Sandra Holden, PhD – Assistant Director in Stanford Proposal Development Office at Stanford University – Dr. Sandra Holden received her PhD in ecology and evolutionary biology from UC Irvine and completed postdoctoral training at UC Irvine in earth system science. Sandra independently funded her PhD and postdoc research with fellowships from NSF, DOE, EPA, and NOAA. Sandra has also served as a reviewer for multiple DOE and NSF review panels. In her role in the SoM Proposal Development Office, Sandra helps faculty members identify funding opportunities and prepare competitive grant proposal applications.


Megan Mayerle, PhD – Associate Director of Research Development, Finance, and Administration at the Baxter Labs at Stanford University – Megan has a dual position that encompasses serving both as the Associate Director of Finance, Administration, and Research Development (ADFA) for the Baxter Lab and as a Research Development Strategist for Helen Blau and her lab. As an ADFA Megan oversees a team of administrators and financial analysts to manage the operations and finances of the Baxter Laboratory for Stem Cell Biology, and coordinates with Central Offices to ensure her unit runs smoothly. As a Research Development Strategist Megan works directly with Helen Blau and members of the Blau lab to identify funding opportunities and write and edit proposals and grants, manuscripts, and other communications.


Adrienne Mueller, PhD – Associate Director of Scientific Education and Outreach for the Stanford Cardiovascular Institute – Adrienne Mueller, PhD recently completed her postdoc in Neuroscience here at Stanford and now she helps run two T32 training programs for postdocs, a summer research program for undergraduates, and a mentorship program for trainees. She also helps coordinate several courses in cardiovascular science and produces communications write-ups of scientific studies. Throughout her work, she is a staunch advocate for open science and the promotion of rigorous research practices.